
Supporting Research

Research On The Benefits of an Arts Education
A compendium of reports compiled by the Arts Education Partnership 'Critical Links', shows that the arts create important connections both to the development of critical-thinking skills, and to the development of personal motivation needed for higher achievement.
Various studies, including one conducted by Education Week called "Putting Arts Education Front and Center", show that students exposed to the arts do better on standardized tests, have a lower dropout rate, watch less television and have a higher-rate of community involvement.
The resounding conclusion is that art is an essential part of every student's personal and academic development.
The Research Supporting Creativity Express
In an effort to create the most effective education tool possible, many accomplished professionals in the education field were consulted for innovative curriculum development. Among those consulted were Dr. Marianna Adams of the Institute of Learning Innovation, Troy Smythe of Smythe Consulting - Adaptive Museum Research and Planning, Scott Sayre and Kris Wetterlund of Sandbox Studios, and Colleen Manning with the Goodman Research Group.
The Goodman Research Group (GRG) conducted specific research data during the inception of our curriculum, gathering feedback from students, parents, and teachers. GRG prepared a report of 'School and Museum Findings'. In the report, assessments confirmed that students learned and retained the concepts presented to them using the Creativity Express lessons in a classroom setting.
Furnace and Tickles
More Than Charming Characters and Funny Movies
The Creativity Express curriculum draws from today's foremost schools of educational thought, such as The Institute of Learning Innovation's Contextual Learning Model, The Muse Report Entry Point approach, Visual Thinking Strategies, Dr. Kenneth Isaac's "Models of Emotions and Relatability", and Dr. Clare Grave's "Theories of Human Behavior and Values" systems.
Our ability to draw on from multiple learning models, combined with our use of 21st century technologies, enables our award winning Creativity Express curriculum to truly excel as an educational arts program.
The experts agree; Art is an essential part of not getting left behind.
Furnace Pictures
Interactive Curriculum
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